Trailer Maintenance Tips for your Winter Wonderland

Trailer Maintenance Tips for your Winter Wonderland
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Trailer Maintenance Tips for your Winter Wonderland

It won’t be long before our streets are filled with snow! You don’t want to be the one stuck on the side of the road because your trailer isn’t ready for winter. From checking your tires to checking your batteries, read this blog post to learn tips on how to keep your trailer up to par!


Tip #1: Clean your Trailer

Make sure all parts of your trailer are clean BEFORE it starts to snow! Once the temperatures drop and things start to freeze, it will be very hard to get dirt and grime off of your various trailer parts. Not to mention if you wait to clean your trailer until after it snows, you’ll have to also fight all of the salt and sand residue. So, start cleaning now! P1855446-sized


Tip #2: Test your Trailer Lights

Ensuring your trailer lights are working and displaying bright is absolutely critical in the winter. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting darker, with potential snow storms coming you need to make sure everyone on the road can see you. Don’t become a safety hazard for yourself and other cars.

Your trailer should have:

  • Front lights
  • Back lights
  • Side marker lights

If you need new lights, click here!



Tip #3: Check your Breaks

Breaking with a trailer is already hard when you’re towing a heavy load! It is only going to get worse and harder when the weather gets bad. Make sure your brakes are in tip top shape so your car doesn’t slip on the snow and ice!

Find all new trailer breaking parts here!


Tip #4: Watch PSI Levels

PSI stands for Pounds per Square Inch

Keep your tire pressure at an ideal PSI all winter long. It is very common for your tire’s PSI to fluctuate frequently due to the cold temperatures during the winter.

All cars have a different ideal PSI, so check to see if your car or trailer recommends a cold weather PSI. This number will be found on the sidewall of your tire! Are you confused what a tire sidewall is and where to look? Look no further! Read this blog post.

  • In the winter, most cars warrant a 32 to 35 PSI

We also recommend keeping a tire pressure gauge in your car! These gauges fit perfectly in glove compartments or the pocket of your door. It is a good idea to keep checking your tire pressure periodically, especially in the winter.

Lastly, check that all of your valves have caps and that they are clean! This will help avoid tire leaks.





Tip #5: Inspect your Hitch

If you’ve had the same hitch for several years, it’s vital to do a quick inspection of your hitch to make sure it doesn’t need to be replaced. Without a strong hitch, your towing adventure will become extremely dangerous.

Check your hitch for

  • Shiny lines – these can indicate a recent crack
  • Rust lines on painted areas – these can indicate an old crack
  • Broken welds or bent metal
  • Loose bolts
  • Rusty bolts

If you are unsure of anything while doing your inspection, play it safe and get a second opinion of an expert. If you are in need of a new hitch, shop on the Rigid Hitch website here!





Tip #6: Keep Everything Lubricated and Greased Up

With lubrication and grease, freezing can be prevented!

Make sure to check these places

  • All hinges
  • Locks
  • Chains
  • Other various pivot points

Check out one of the new Rigid Hitch products, pre-greased hubs! These hubs will make your life even easier.


Tip #7: Condensation in your Suspension System

When the weather gets colder, condensation can easily form on various parts, especially your suspension system! Before you get on the road, check your suspension system for condensation. If you don’t, the condensation could freeze in the air lines or tank, which would result in a non functioning suspension system.

If you don’t have a suspension system, you absolutely need one! Shop now.



Tip #8: Check all Batteries

Lastly, you need to check any equipment that requires batteries. Look at the battery life and do so every single time before you get on the road.


Driving in the winter is scary enough, and you don’t need to make it worse with a trailer that hasn’t been maintained. Stay safe and check your trailer!

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